Put the pen down…


Good afternoon readers!

It’s been a little moment since my last published post! I have been working on a few unfinished projects behind the scenes however I decided to give myself some much needed time off.

Putting the pen down was tough as writing is my release, my comfort, my third eye, my joy and so much more. Even though writing energises me so much, it can also become emotionally tiring and quite intense, especially during moments of self realisation and healing.

I was in the depth of a piece around self love and it sparked a lot of hidden emotions inside of me. When reading it back I realised how aggressive and out of sync I sounded. I won’t lie this really got my back up. I spent my younger years worrying about my nose, my nails, my tummy, my toes and but also grew to love myself as I knew my worth. I knew that I’m not just what you see, but so much more. So why was this piece not sitting right? I dug deep. Journalled lots. Screwed up my thoughts and binned them until it hit me.

We can be full of self love and still have days where we question our beauty and worth. In fact it’s totally normal especially with the media all around us constantly putting doubts in our minds. We are predominantly visual creatures therefore seeing all the images online of what ‘beauty’ should look like sticks in our mind and we do naturally compare ourselves. I realised I would judge myself for feeling like crap and hate on myself for having those thoughts when actually it’s not even a thing! Well it is a thing but why the hell should I hate myself for having a day of not feeling great about my physical appearance?

So i’m learning to take a step back whenever I have one of those days and go easy on myself. I’m allowing the thoughts to come by, sit for a moment and pass. I know my worth, I know that my ‘flaws’ are not actually flaws at all. They are parts of me, and anything that’s a part of me I embrace.

So back to why i’m writing this post. Writing isnt as easy as putting pen to paper, especially when you’re writing from the depths of your soul. I wanted to share this to remind other writers that it is ok to take a break. Breaks are healthy and very much needed. Trust me when you come back to your piece after a break you’ll have a clearer head and a surge of fresh focus to write something empowering and ever so magical.

You got this, always.

Holly Writes Words.

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