Who’s in your reflection?


I once found myself stuck in a house of mirrors,
I twisted and turned,
spun and run frantically around in circles,
lost in multiple reflections.

Only when I stopped to breathe,
there you were.

Your features familiar,
but somewhat not,
we share a smile that spears my soul surges through my veins into the very depths of my being and as I began to relax into your rhythm I lit up in glittery golds, pretty purples, sunrise yellows, cool blues, wild whites and ruby reds until I could taste your energy on the tip of my tongue.

I found you.

The you that craved the good, the adventurous, the spontaneous life.

The you that felt each moment as it was and saw hardships as mere lessons to aid your growth.

As we danced closer our heat combined, you looked directly in my eyes like you knew my purpose, my darkest secrets, my why.

You spoke for the first time, softly yet firmly

‘we are one, we deserve to live however we please, we are strength and weakness and love and light and darkness and soulful and all things wonderfully weird and unique.’

With the last of your words resonating in my soul you spread your wings and mine spread too, we waved in sync and just like that I awoke.

I was standing at the mirror.

You had gone but not really gone. You left your sparkle in my eyes, your fire in my belly and your courage to just be me.

There was a message scribbled across the mirror in Ruby red lipstick it read

‘I am you and you are I. Go be you so I can be I. Be free fly high be you my love, just you.’




She is not just a small ripple of water flowing gently without direction,
She is the sound of waves crashing at bay,
She is the tug of the tide changing direction,
She is an ongoing ever flowing wide open ocean.

With curls, untamed full of body and soul,
Eyes full of depth with endless secrets behind them.
Scars cracking across her breasts, tummy and thighs,
Yet she has never felt more whole and alive.

She was not born for mediocre and dullness,
But colourful, sparkly and so much brightness.


Ego v Intuition


Your ego will tell you you’re right.

Your ego will tell you to prove that to anyone who will listen.

Your ego will tell you that being wrong is being weak.

Your ego will tell you never to admit you were wrong.

Your ego will speak to you from a place of fear, anxiety and insecurity.


Your intuition will tell you it’s OK to be wrong,

Your intuition will tell you its OK to just be you,

Your intuition will tell you to follow your heart,

Your intuition will speak to you from light, love and peace.

Pay attention to the feeling behind your thoughts.



“Her growth makes her look obnoxious and ridiculous”

“Her growth makes her looks selfish and fake”

“Her growth makes her look like she’s stuck up, she thinks shes too darn fabulous”


Her growth may be too much for those that aren’t willing to do the work on themselves.

Her growth may intimidate and shock those that once knew her.

Her growth may make those around her feel uncomfortable.


This doesn’t stop her from growing.

This doesn’t stop her from putting herself first.

This doesn’t stop her from being her own hero.

She understands…

Not everyone will like her self development.

Not everyone will understand her truth .

Not everyone will agree with her.


She will no longer live in the shadows of others.

She will no longer hold herself back.

She will no longer dim her light to please others.

She is…

Your sister.
Your friend.
Your daughter.
Your cousin.